Demo & Pitch Night 1

30 November 2023


Demos are intended to be a check-in of your progress so far and a way for your whole team to show off their work, as well as an opportunity to practice pitching your project to the public.

This will also let us understand your progress and blockers in order to help you best.

Since Tech Start is built off 3 pillars, development, strategy, and design, the demos will also focus on these 3 aspects. Feel free to divide the allocated time between them as you see fit.

In addition, there may or may not be pizza or snacks present.

Time Limit: 15 minutes

Suggested talking points

These are just suggestions and not at all mandatory, but may help get you started.


  • What is your Total Market, Serviceable Market and Obtainable Market?
  • What is your Market Positioning?
  • What is your unique value?
  • Competition Analysis in terms of market, features etc.
  • Does the user research validate the business plan so far?


  • After doing user research and synthesizing the data, what did you learn about your users?
  • What opportunities / edge have you discovered for your product?
  • What were some challenges you faced in the user research and synthesis process and how did you overcome them (or not)?
  • How has user research driven your decision on what to include in your MVP?


  • What is your tech stack?
  • What do you aim to include in your MVP?
  • How much progress have you made technically?
  • What does your roadmap look like? Feel free to share your project board.


These milestones will give you a rough idea of where you should be by the demo, they are not requirements.


  • Competition analysis complete
  • Features to be made solidified
  • Unique Value Proposition determined


  • User research and synthesis is complete
  • Product requirement document created (& MVP features prioritized)
  • Low fidelity prototypes started


  • Stack chosen
  • Cloud services decided upon (if needed)
  • Development environment set up
  • First commits made by each dev
  • Learning of new tech started
  • Roadmap created

Visual Aids

We strongly encourage putting together a presentation to help you. Consider what you might need to show off your projects (if possible), e.g. if you're building a mobile or VR app, you may need to find a solution to show the screen on the projectors.