Demo & Pitch Nights

All Tech Start UCalgary projects are showcased to the world at the end of each academic year. At this event, people from different industries and backgrounds come and give us feedback on the projects.

This is also a great opportunity for you as a professional and us as a club to connect and network with different companies.

It's important to remember that as an entrepreneurial club, you will also be pitching your ideas to potential investors, so your hard work on the business strategy will be on display here. Pitching your start-up in a convincing manner is a critical skill, so we also give you the opportunity to practice this.

This year's showcase is scheduled for April 27th, 2024. To prepare for this, we want each team to demo and pitch their project to the club before the showcase. This will help you get experience and valuable feedback from fellow project teams, execs, and our partners in industry.

Dates to Remember

30 November 2023Demo & Pitch Night 1Project Teams & ExecsENC 201
29 February 2024Demo & Pitch Night 2Tech Start & Industry GuestsENC 201
27 April 2024Final ShowcaseOpen to the PublicHunter Hub Collision Space