Demo & Pitch Night 2

29 February 2024


Share your progress with the club, get feedback from industry guests, and practice your public speaking and pitching.

This is a pitch and demo, you are selling your product to investors.

Quick Info

Start Time: 6pm sharp

Time Limit: 10 minutes

Dress Code: Business Casual

What to do

Keep the focus on the product. Demo your product live, if it's deployed that's even better but localhost is okay. Have a pre-recorded demo as a backup, in case things go wrong.

What not to do

Don't show any code. Don't talk about your challenges and wins.

Suggested talking points

These are just suggestions and not at all mandatory, but may help get you started.


  • Talk about the problem space & your solution (create a story around it)
  • Introduce team members
  • Talk about features (MVP)
  • Roadmap of what you'll do next (adding x feature, finalizing for launch, etc.)


  • STP Analysis
  • Exploring monetization and revenue models
  • Income & Expenditure forecasts in the real world
  • Unique Value Proposition, Problem Statement & Branding (collaborate with design team)
  • Market size research, figure out Total Addressable Market, Serviceable Addressable
  • Competition Research


  • Create a user persona (based on your user research) to explore the problem space - (collaborate with strategists)
  • How has user research driven your decision on what to include in your MVP features? List some of the features.
  • Show your high-fidelity designs / technical demo


  • Quick overview of tech stack, showing off tech's best feature
    • (e.g. we're using NextJS hosted on Vercel because it lets us rapidly deploy changes to our users)
  • How are you deploying your app?
  • Launch plans
  • Would you like to be on the App Store, etc?
  • Show a functional demo


These milestones will give you a rough idea of where you should be by the demo, they are not requirements.


  • Everything money related figured out
    • business model
    • revenue forecasts
    • expenses


  • Usability testing on prototype is complete
  • High-fidelity designs are complete
  • Final designs are handed off to development


  • Front-end and back-end connected
  • Deployed to cloud providers (AWS, Vercel, etc.)